一直从事有限群论研究,在《Journal of Group Theory》、《Communication in Algebra》、《Science China》等国内外知名期刊上发表论文10余篇,回答了Z. Janko和Y. Berkovich提出的4个公开问题,其中发表在Science China上的文章已经被p群专家Y. Berkovich作为专门一节写入其出版的专著《Groups of Prime Power Order》中。
1. Zhang JunQiang; Li XianHua. Finite p-groups all of whose proper subgroups have small derived subgroups. Sci. China Math., 53(2010), no. 5, 1357–1362.
2. Li Xianhua; Zhang Junqiang. Finite p-groups with non-normal subgroups of index p in their normalizers. Comm. Algebra, 39(2011), no. 6, 2037–2043.
3. Zhang Junqiang; Li Xianhua. Finite p-groups all of whose proper subgroups have cyclic Frattini subgroups. J. Group Theory, 15(2012), no. 2, 245–259.
4.Zhang Junqiang. Finite groups all of whose non-normal subgroups possess the same order. J. Algebra Appl., 11(2012), no. 3, 1250053, 7 pp.
5. Zhang JunQiang; Ren PengFei. Some special core-p p-groups. (Chinese) Math. Pract. Theory, 42 (2012), no.1, 242–246.
6.Zhang Lihua; Zhang Junqiang. Finite p-groups all of whose non-normal abelian subgroups are cyclic. J. Algebra Appl. 12 (2013), no. 8, 1350052, 9 pp.
7.Li Xianhua; Zhang Junqiang. Finite p-groups and centralizers of noncentral elements. Comm. Algebra, 41(2013), no. 9, 3267–3276.
8. Zhang Junqiang; Lu Ruijiao; Li Wentian. Finite p-groups and normal closures of nonnormal subgroups. J. Math. Res. Appl., 35 (2015), no. 5, 521–528.
9. Zhang Junqiang; Zhang Qinhai. Finite p-groups all of whose minimal nonnormal subgroups possess large normal closures. Comm. Algebra 44(2016), no. 2, 628–638.
10.Zhang Junqiang. Finite p-groups all of whose nonnormal subgroups possess special normalizers. Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 40(2017), no. 1, 279–293.
11.Zhang Junqiang; Zhang Qinhai. The lower bound of the number of nonabelian subgroups of finite p-groups. Comm. Algebra, 47(2019), no.12, 5135–5141.
12. Zhang Lihua; Zhang Junqiang. Finite p-groups all of whose A2-subgroups are generated by two elements. J. Group Theory, 24(2021), no.1, 177–193.
13. An Lijian; Qu Haipeng; Zhang Junqiang. Finite 2-groups all of whose non-abelian subgroups are self-centralizing. J. Algebra Appl., 20(2021), no.12, 2150219, 18 pp.
14.Zhang Junqiang. At-groups with t+1 generators. Comm. Algebra, 50(2022), no.6, 2686–2693.
15.Zhang Junqiang. A generalization of A2-groups. Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 59(2022), no.4, 951–960.
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