

来源: 日期:2018-04-27 作者: 浏览次数:

 1.孙树林,孙亚茹,张广. Dynamical behavior of a stochastic two-species Monod competition chemostat model. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 298:153-170.

2.裴轲,王国涛,孙艳艳. Successive iterations and positive extremal solutions for a Hadamard type fractional integro-differential equations on infinite domain. Applied Mathematics and Computation . 312 (2017):158-168.

3.玉强,王新勇,宗广灯,赵旭东. Adaptive neural tracking control for a class of uncertain nonstrict-feedback nonlinear systems. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 354(15):6503-6519.

4.王涛莉,王国涛,杨晓军. On a Hadamard-type fractional turbulent flow model with deviating arguments in a porous medium. Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control. 22(6):765–784.

5.张丽红,Bashir Ahmad,王国涛. Analysis and application of diffusion equations involving a Electron. J. Differential Equations. 289: 1-6.

6.李璞金,曲海鹏,曾纪文. Finite p-groups whose proper subgroups are of class <=n. Joural of Algebra and Its Applications. 16(1).

7.吴瑞,张灵. An Evolutionary Web Clustering for Web Page Predicting. Journal of Internet Technology . 18(1):147-155.

8.王丽芳,张勤海. Finite p-Groups with a Class of Complemented Normal Subgroups. Acta Mathematica Sinica, Englishi Series. 33(2):278-286.

9.玉强,殷云飞,赵旭东. Stability analysis of switched systems with extended average dwell time. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 2017:1-10.

10.冯琴荣,郭肖. Uncertainty measures of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets and their applications in decision making. Intelligent Data Analysis. 21 (2017) :77-95.

11.张军强. Finite p-Groups all of Whose Nonnormal Subgroups Posses Special Normalizers. Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 40:279–293.

12.岳莉莉,史建红,宋卫星. A parametric bootstrap approach for two-way error component regression models. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation. 46(5): 3952-3961.

13.贾建文,秦改玲. Stability Analysis of HIV/AIDS Epidemic Model with Nonlinear Incidence and Treatment. Advances in Difference Equations. 2017(136):1-13.

14.赵连阔. Normal weighted composition operators on the Fock space of C^N. Operators and Matrices. 11(3):697-704.

15.王丽芳. FINITE p -GROUPS WHOSE NONABE -LIAN SUBGROUPS HAVE THE SAME CENTER. Journal of the korean mathematrical society. 54(4):1109–1120.

16.史建红,杨倩,宋卫星. Effects of Measurement Error on A Class of Single-index Varying Coefficient Regression Models. Computational Statistics. 32(3):977-1001.

17.张丽红,Juan J. Nieto,王国涛. Extremal solutions for a nonlinear impulsive differential equations with multi-orders fractional derivatives. Journal of Applied Ana-lysis and Computation. 7(2017):814-823.

18.张丽红,Bashir Ahmad,王国涛. Monotone Iterative Method for a Class of Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations on Unbounded Domains in Banach Spaces. Filomat. 31,5:1331-1338.

19.魏梅,李强. Monotone Iterative Technique for a Class of Slanted Cantilever Beam Equations. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2017:1-8.

20.杨航,贾建文. Harvesting of a prey-predator model with reserve area for prey and in the presence of toxicity. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation. 53:693–708.

21.刘丽君.弱测量在提高量子参数估计精度中的应用,控制理论与应用, 2017,34(11):1471-1476.

22.孙树林,晋丹慧.具有多个参数扰动的随机恒化器模型的持久性与灭绝性,应用数学学报. 37(1): 277-288.

23.王丽芳.内交换子群满足某些条件的亚循环p群,数学进展. 46(4):583-589.
