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【预告】Sapna Jain学术报告

来源: 日期:2019-03-22 作者: 浏览次数:

报告题目1: Linear partition codes inArihant metric

报告时间: 2019年3月26日上午9:00


摘    要: Linear partition codes in Arihant metric are block metric codes (S. Jain, WASJ[2011])and are a generalization of the classical error correcting codes endowed with the Lee metric (C.Y. Lee, IEEE Trans.[1958] and S. Jain, CKMS[2005]) and has applications over non binary channel. In this paper, we formulate the concept

of a linear partition Arihant code (LPA code) and discuss results pertaining to error detection and error correction capabilities of these codes. We also introduce exact

weight enumerator, complete weight enumerator, block weight enumerator and Arihant weight enumerator for LPA codes overZqand obtain the exact and complete weight distribution of the dual code of an LPA codeVby way of obtaining the MacWilliams type identity.

报告题目2: Irregular-spotty-byte errorcontrol codes

报告时间: 2019年3月26日下午4:00


摘    要:Spotty-byte error control codes devised by Suzuki et al.[2007] are suitable for semiconductor memories where a word is divided into regular bytes of equal length “b”. However, a more general and practical situation is when bytes are not regular i.e. when a word is divided into irregular bytes of different lengths. In this talk, we first introduce the notion of irregular-spottybyte error control codes [Jain, 2014] generalizing the usual spotty-byte error control codes and then discuss their error detection and error correction properties [Jain, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017]. These codes are useful for semiconductor memories which are highly vulnerable to multiple random bit errors when they are exposed to strong electromegnatic waves, radioactive particles or energetic cosmic particles.

报告题目3: Codes in LRTJ-Spaces

报告时间: 2019年3月28日上午9:00


摘 要:In [Jain, AQ, 2010], Jain introduced a new metric viz. LRTJmetric on the spaceMatm×s(Zq), the module space of allm×smatrices with entries from the finite ringZq(q2) generalizing the classical one dimensional Lee metric [Lee, 1958] and the two-dimensional RT-metric [Rosenbloom and Tsfasman, 1997] which further appeared in [Jain, Encyclopedia of Distances, 2008]. In this talk, we discuss linear codes in LRTJ spaces and obtain various

bounds on the parameters of array codes in LRTJ-spaces for the correction of random array errors and usual and CT-burst array errors.